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Analiza delnic

Techtronic Industries Co Delnica



Danes +/-
Danes %
-1,71 %

Techtronic Industries Co delnica promet, EBIT, dobiček


Prihodki, dobiček & EBIT

Razumevanje prihodkov, EBIT in dohodka

Pridobite vpoglede v Techtronic Industries Co, obširni pregled finančne uspešnosti lahko dobite z analizo grafov prihodkov, EBIT in dohodka. Prihodki predstavljajo skupni dohodek, ki ga Techtronic Industries Co pridobi iz svojih glavnih poslovnih dejavnosti in prikazuje sposobnost podjetja za pridobivanje in ohranjanje strank. EBIT (Dobiček pred obrestmi in davki) podaja informacije o operativni donosnosti podjetja, neobremenjene s stroški davkov in obresti. Razdelek dohodka odraža čisti dobiček Techtronic Industries Co, končno merilo za njegovo finančno zdravje in dobičkonosnost.

Letna analiza in primerjave

Oglejte si letne stolpce, da razumete letno uspešnost in rast Techtronic Industries Co. Primerjajte prihodke, EBIT in dohodek, da ocenite učinkovitost in donosnost podjetja. Višji EBIT v primerjavi z lanskim letom kaže na izboljšanje operativne učinkovitosti. Podobno povečanje dohodka nakazuje na povečano skupno donosnost. Analiza leta-za-letom primerjave pomaga vlagateljem pri razumevanju rasti in operativne učinkovitosti podjetja.

Uporaba pričakovanj za investicije

Pričakovane vrednosti za prihajajoča leta ponujajo vlagateljem vpogled v pričakovano finančno uspešnost Techtronic Industries Co. Analiza teh napovedi skupaj s historičnimi podatki prispeva k sprejemanju utemeljenih investicijskih odločitev. Vlagatelji lahko ocenijo potencialna tveganja in donose ter usmerijo svoje investicijske strategije ustrezno, da optimizirajo donosnost in zmanjšajo tveganja.

Investicijski vpogledi

Primerjava med prihodki in EBIT pomaga oceniti operativno učinkovitost Techtronic Industries Co, medtem ko primerjava prihodkov in dohodka razkriva neto donosnost po upoštevanju vseh stroškov. Vlagatelji lahko pridobijo dragocene vpoglede z natančno analizo teh finančnih parametrov in tako postavijo temelje za strateške investicijske odločitve, da izkoristijo potencial rasti Techtronic Industries Co.

Techtronic Industries Co Prihodki, dobiček in zgodovina EBIT

DatumTechtronic Industries Co PrihodkiTechtronic Industries Co EBITTechtronic Industries Co Dobiček

Techtronic Industries Co Delež marže

Techtronic Industries Co analiza marž prikazuje bruto maržo, EBIT maržo ter neto maržo dobička podjetja Techtronic Industries Co. EBIT marža (EBIT/promet) pove, kolikšen odstotek prometa ostane kot operativni dobiček. Neto marža dobička prikazuje, kolikšen odstotek prometa podjetja Techtronic Industries Co ostane.

Bruto marža
Marža dobička


Razumevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena v odstotkih, prikazuje brutto dobiček od prodaje Techtronic Industries Co. Višji odstotek bruto marže pomeni, da Techtronic Industries Co zadrži več prihodkov, potem ko so upoštevani stroški prodanih blaga. Investitorji uporabljajo ta kazalnik za ocenjevanje finančnega zdravja in operativne učinkovitosti ter za primerjavo z konkurenco in povprečji v panogi.

Analiza marže EBIT

Marža EBIT predstavlja dobiček Techtronic Industries Co pred obrestmi in davki. Analiza marže EBIT čez različna leta ponuja vpogled v operativno dobičkonosnost in učinkovitost, brez vpliva finančnega vzvoda in davčne strukture. Rastoča marža EBIT čez leta signalizira izboljšano operativno delovanje.

Razumevanje marže prihodkov

Marža prihodkov kaže celoten prihodek, ki ga Techtronic Industries Co ustvari. Z letno primerjavo marže prihodkov lahko investitorji ocenijo rast in tržno širitev Techtronic Industries Co. Pomembno je, da se marža prihodkov primerja z bruto maržo in maržo EBIT, da se bolje razume strukturo stroškov in dobička.

Interpretacija pričakovanj

Pričakovane vrednosti za bruto marže, EBIT in marže prihodkov nudijo finančni pogled v prihodnost Techtronic Industries Co. Investitorji bi morali te pričakovanja primerjati z zgodovinskimi podatki, da bi razumeli potencialno rast in dejavnike tveganja. Ključno je upoštevati osnovne predpostavke in metode, uporabljene pri napovedovanju teh pričakovanih vrednosti, da lahko sprejemajo informirane investicijske odločitve.

Primerjalna analiza

Primerjava bruto marž, EBIT in marž prihodkov, tako letno kot čez večletno obdobje, investitorjem omogoča, da izvedejo temeljito analizo finančnega zdravja in rasti možnosti Techtronic Industries Co. Ocenjevanje trendov in vzorcev v teh maržah pomaga prepoznati prednosti, slabosti in potencialne investicijske priložnosti.

Techtronic Industries Co Zgodovina marže

Techtronic Industries Co Bruto maržaTechtronic Industries Co Marža dobičkaTechtronic Industries Co EBIT-maržaTechtronic Industries Co Marža dobička

Techtronic Industries Co delnica promet, EBIT, dobiček na delnico

Techtronic Industries Co-promet na delnico tako pokaže, koliko prometa je Techtronic Industries Co v določenem obdobju ustvaril na posamezno delnico. EBIT na delnico kaže, koliko operativnega dobička pripada na posamezno delnico. Dobiček na delnico pokaže, koliko dobička pripada na vsako delnico.

Prihodek na delnico
EBIT na delnico
Dobiček na delnico

Prihodki, EBIT in dobiček na delnico

Prihodki na delnico

Prihodki na delnico predstavljajo celotni prihodek, ki ga je Techtronic Industries Co ustvaril, deljen s številom izdanih delnic. Je ključni kazalnik, saj odraža sposobnost podjetja, da generira prihodke, in kaže potencial za rast in širitev. Letna primerjava prihodkov na delnico omogoča vlagateljem analizo doslednosti prihodkov podjetja in predvidevanje prihodnjih trendov.

EBIT na delnico

EBIT na delnico ponazarja dobiček Techtronic Industries Co pred obrestmi in davki ter ponuja vpogled v operativno donosnost, brez upoštevanja učinkov kapitalske strukture in davčnih stopenj. Primerjava z prihodki na delnico omogoča ocene učinkovitosti pretvorbe prodaje v dobiček. Nenehna rast EBIT na delnico skozi leta poudarja operativno učinkovitost in dobičkonosnost.

Dobiček na delnico

Dobiček na delnico ali EPS (Earnings Per Share) prikazuje delež dobička Techtronic Industries Co, ki se dodeli vsaki delnici osnovnega kapitala. Je ključnega pomena za ocenjevanje dobičkonosnosti in finančnega zdravja. Z primerjavo prihodkov in EBIT na delnico lahko vlagatelji vidijo, kako učinkovito podjetje pretvarja prihodke in operativni dobiček v čisti dohodek.

Pričakovane vrednosti

Pričakovane vrednosti so napovedi za prihodke, EBIT in dobiček na delnico za prihodnja leta. Ta pričakovanja, ki temeljijo na zgodovinskih podatkih in analizi trga, pomagajo vlagateljem pri strategiji njihovih naložb, oceni prihodnjega delovanja Techtronic Industries Co in napovedi prihodnjih delniških tečajev. Ključno pa je upoštevanje tržnih volatilnosti in negotovosti, ki lahko vplivajo na te napovedi.

Techtronic Industries Co Promet, dobiček in EBIT na delnico – zgodovina

DatumTechtronic Industries Co Prihodek na delnicoTechtronic Industries Co EBIT na delnicoTechtronic Industries Co Dobiček na delnico

Techtronic Industries Co Delnica in analiza delnic

Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd is a leading global provider of power tools and household appliances for professional and personal use. The company, based in Hong Kong, was founded in 1985 and now has subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities in more than 20 countries. It is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and employs over 30,000 people worldwide. Techtronic Industries began its history with the production of power tools for professional use. In 1992, the company started producing household appliances under the brand name "Hoover". In 1995, Techtronic Industries acquired the Japanese manufacturer Ryobi, further strengthening its position in the power tool market. In 2005, the company bought the brands Milwaukee and AEG, entering the market for professional power tools in Europe. Since then, Techtronic Industries has expanded its offerings through additional acquisitions and partnerships, and now sells products in the areas of power tools, household appliances, gardening tools, and lighting. Techtronic Industries' business model is based on the development, production, and marketing of high-quality and innovative products for professional and personal use. The company continuously invests in research and development to bring new technologies and products to the market. It focuses on product quality, a wide range of offerings, and excellent customer service. Techtronic Industries is divided into various divisions to better organize and market its offerings of power tools, household appliances, gardening tools, and lighting. These divisions include Milwaukee Electric Tool, Ryobi Limited, AEG Power Tools, Homelite, Hoover, Dirt Devil, Vax, Oreck, Regina, Royal, and Dirt Devil Commercial. Each division offers a wide range of products tailored to the specific needs of their respective customers. In the field of power tools, Techtronic Industries offers a variety of products including drills, saws, grinders, screwdrivers, drills, and multi-tools. These products are aimed at professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike and are available in various series and models to meet different requirements. In the field of household appliances, Techtronic Industries offers a wide range of products including vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, and refrigerators. These products are available under different brand names such as Hoover, AEG, Vax, Oreck, and Dirt Devil, and are designed for personal use. In the field of gardening tools, Techtronic Industries offers a variety of products including lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, trimmers, and leaf blowers. These products are available under different brand names such as Ryobi and Homelite and are designed for DIY enthusiasts and professional use in the garden. In the field of lighting, Techtronic Industries offers a wide range of products including LED lights, headlamps, and flashlights. These products are available under different brand names such as Milwaukee and Hoover and are designed for personal and professional use. In summary, Techtronic Industries is a leading global provider of power tools, household appliances, gardening tools, and lighting. The company focuses on developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-quality and innovative products tailored to customer needs. With its subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities in more than 20 countries, Techtronic Industries is well-positioned to market and expand its offerings worldwide. Techtronic Industries Co je eno izmed najbolj priljubljenih podjetij na

Techtronic Industries Co Ocena glede na zgodovinsko razmerje cena/dobiček, EBIT in prihodek od prodaje

Techtronic Industries Co Delitve delnic

V zgodovini Techtronic Industries Co še ni bilo delitev delnic.
Za Techtronic Industries Co trenutno žal ni na voljo nobenih ciljnih vrednosti in napovedi.

Techtronic Industries Co Dobičkovna presenečenja

DatumOcena dobička na delnicoEPS dejanskiČetrtletje poročanja
30. 6. 20240,30 0,30  (−0,99 %)2024 Q2
31. 12. 20230,26 0,27  (3,96 %)2023 Q4
30. 6. 20230,31 0,26  (−15,94 %)2023 Q2
31. 12. 20220,30 0,27  (−8,72 %)2022 Q4
30. 6. 20220,32 0,31  (−2,09 %)2022 Q2
31. 12. 20210,30 0,31  (2,97 %)2021 Q4
30. 6. 20210,24 0,29  (17,57 %)2021 Q2
31. 12. 20200,23 0,26  (9,77 %)2020 Q4
30. 6. 20200,15 0,18  (19,47 %)2020 Q2
31. 12. 20190,17 0,18  (4,83 %)2019 Q4

Eulerpool ESG ocena za delnico Techtronic Industries Co

Eulerpool World ESG Rating (EESG©)

94/ 100

🌱 Environment


👫 Social


🏛️ Governance


Okolje (Environment)

Neposredne emisije
Posredne emisije iz kupljene energije
Posredne emisije znotraj verige vrednosti.
Emisije CO₂
Strategija zmanjševanja CO₂
Ogljična energija
Poskusi na živalih
Pelz & Leder
Palmovo olje
Genska tehnologija
Koncept podnebja
Trajnostno gozdarstvo
Predpisi o recikliranju
Okolju prijazna embalaža
Nevarne snovi
Poraba goriva in učinkovitost
Poraba in učinkovitost vode

Socialno (Social)

Delež zaposlenih žensk33,3
Delež žensk v upravljanju
Delež azijskih zaposlenih
Delež azijskega upravljanja
Delež hispanskih/latinskih zaposlenih
Delež hispansko/latino vodstva
Delež črnskih zaposlenih
Delež črnega vodstva
Delež belih zaposlenih
Delež belskega managementa
Vsebine za odrasle
vojaške pogodbe
Koncept človekovih pravic
Koncept varstva podatkov
Varstvo pri delu in zdravje

Upravljanje podjetja (Governance)

Porocilo o trajnostnem razvoju
Vključevanje deležnikov
Pravilnik o odpoklicu
Kartelno pravo

Priznana ocena Eulerpool ESG je strogo avtorsko zaščitena intelektualna lastnina podjetja Eulerpool Research Systems. Vsakršna neavtorizirana uporaba, posnemanje ali kršenje bo odločno preganjano in lahko privede do obsežnih pravnih posledic. Za licence, sodelovanje ali pravice uporabe se obrnite neposredno preko našega Kontaktni obrazec k nam.

Techtronic Industries Co Upravni odbor in nadzorni svet

Mr. Joseph Galli64
Techtronic Industries Co Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director (od 2008)
Plačilo: 32,74 mio.
Mr. Horst Pudwill78
Techtronic Industries Co Executive Chairman of the Board (od 1985)
Plačilo: 15,63 mio.
Mr. Chi Chung Chan69
Techtronic Industries Co Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
Plačilo: 9,12 mio.
Mr. Kin Wah Chan63
Techtronic Industries Co Operations Director, Executive Director (od 1990)
Plačilo: 8,83 mio.
Mr. Stephan Pudwill46
Techtronic Industries Co Executive Vice Chairman of the Board (od 2016)
Plačilo: 8,46 mio.

Techtronic Industries Co Dobavna veriga

ImeRazmerjeDvotedenska korelacijaMesečna korelacijaTrimesečna korelacijaŠestmesečna korelacijaEnoletna korelacijaDvoletna korelacija
Electrolux B Delnica
Electrolux B

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici Techtronic Industries Co

What values and corporate philosophy does Techtronic Industries Co represent?

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd represents a strong commitment to innovation, excellence, and customer satisfaction. With a focus on delivering high-quality products and services, the company strives to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry. Techtronic Industries Co Ltd values integrity, teamwork, and an entrepreneurial spirit that encourages employees to think outside the box. The company's corporate philosophy revolves around continuous improvement and providing value to its stakeholders. With a global presence and a diversified product portfolio, Techtronic Industries Co Ltd aims to meet the evolving needs of its customers while maintaining a sustainable and responsible approach to business operations.

In which countries and regions is Techtronic Industries Co primarily present?

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd primarily operates in various countries and regions worldwide. The company's presence spans across Asia, including China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, where it has a significant market share. Additionally, Techtronic Industries Co Ltd has a strong presence in North America, specifically the United States, where it has established a substantial consumer base. The company also has a notable presence in Europe, serving customers in countries like Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and many others. With its extensive global reach, Techtronic Industries Co Ltd has successfully expanded its operations and continues to thrive in multiple markets.

What significant milestones has the company Techtronic Industries Co achieved?

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd has achieved several significant milestones. The company successfully expanded its global reach and market share through strategic acquisitions, such as the acquisition of Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation in 2005. Techtronic Industries Co Ltd also achieved remarkable growth in its key business segments, including power tools, outdoor power equipment, and floor care appliances. Additionally, the company's commitment to innovation and quality has led to the development of groundbreaking products that have revolutionized the industry. Techtronic Industries Co Ltd continues to strengthen its position as a leading global provider of innovative and high-performance tools and equipment for both professional and DIY users.

What is the history and background of the company Techtronic Industries Co?

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd, also known as TTi, is a globally renowned company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of power tools, outdoor power equipment, and floor care products. Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, Techtronic Industries has since grown into a leading player in the industry, with a strong presence in over 100 countries. The company's commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction has propelled its success. Techtronic Industries boasts a diverse portfolio of trusted brands, including Milwaukee, Ryobi, Hoover, and Dirt Devil, catering to both professional and consumer markets. With a rich history of excellence and continuous product development, Techtronic Industries remains at the forefront of the power tool and floor care industry.

Who are the main competitors of Techtronic Industries Co in the market?

The main competitors of Techtronic Industries Co Ltd in the market are Stanley Black & Decker Inc., Bosch Power Tools, Makita Corporation, and Snap-on Incorporated.

In which industries is Techtronic Industries Co primarily active?

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd is primarily active in the industries of power tools, outdoor power equipment, and floor care.

What is the business model of Techtronic Industries Co?

The business model of Techtronic Industries Co Ltd is centered around designing, manufacturing, and distributing power tools, outdoor power equipment, and floor care appliances. Techtronic Industries Co Ltd operates through various brands, including Milwaukee, AEG, Ryobi, and Hoover. The company focuses on innovation, quality, and customer-centricity to cater to both professional and DIY users. Techtronic Industries Co Ltd's business model encompasses a global presence, strategic partnerships, and continuous research and development to provide superior and reliable products. With a strong emphasis on technological advancements and customer satisfaction, Techtronic Industries Co Ltd strives to maintain its position as a leading provider of tools and appliances in the market.

Kakšno PE razmerje ima Techtronic Industries Co 2024?

Količnik cena/dobiček trenutno ni mogoče izračunati za Techtronic Industries Co.

Kakšen je KUV Techtronic Industries Co 2024?

KUV za Techtronic Industries Co trenutno ni mogoče izračunati.

Kakšen je AlleAktien kakovostni rezultat za Techtronic Industries Co?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore trenutno ne more biti izračunan za Techtronic Industries Co.

Kakšen je promet podjetja Techtronic Industries Co 2024?

Prihodki trenutno ne morejo biti izračunani za Techtronic Industries Co.

Kakšen je dobiček od Techtronic Industries Co 2024?

Dobička trenutno ni mogoče izračunati za Techtronic Industries Co.

Kaj počne Techtronic Industries Co?

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd (TTI) is a globally leading company for tools and garden equipment. It was founded in 1985 and has its headquarters in Hong Kong. The company operates in various business sectors and offers a wide range of products under different brands. TTI's core business is the manufacturing and sale of power tools and accessories under the brands Milwaukee, AEG, Ryobi, and Homelite. TTI also offers a wide range of garden equipment under the Ryobi and Homelite brands. The products are typically sold in hardware stores, garden centers, specialty shops, and online platforms. The product range includes impact drivers, drills, saws, grinders, jigsaws, handheld vacuums, leaf blowers, trimmers, chainsaws, lawnmowers, pressure washers, and much more. TTI is also active in the construction machinery industry and manufactures machines such as drills, screwdrivers, grinders, and lasers under the Hilti brand. These products are mainly sold to professional craftsmen and construction companies. Additionally, the company also plays a significant role in the production of household appliances. TTI distributes vacuum cleaners and floor care products under the brand Hoover, for example. These products are sold in department stores, specialty shops, and online stores. Another business segment of TTI is the production of sound and vibration products. Under the Hoover, Dirt Devil, and Oreck brands, TTI produces sound and vibration products such as vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, and floor care devices. TTI has a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy. It works closely with retailers to promote its products and increase brand awareness. It has also utilized online platforms to sell its products directly to consumers. In 2019, the company achieved an annual revenue of 7.7 billion US dollars and employed over 25,000 employees worldwide. The company relies on its future growth by optimizing product innovation, production experience, and global joint venture opportunities, as well as improving its organizational effectiveness. It will also continue to invest in technology and research and development to create the next generation of cutting-edge tools and garden equipment, household and construction tools with state-of-the-art technology and functionality. Overall, TTI is a diversified company operating in various business sectors and offering a wide range of products under different brands. The product range includes power tools, garden equipment, construction machinery, household appliances, and sound and vibration products. The company's sales and marketing strategy is comprehensive, and it has a strong presence in retail and online platforms.

Kako visoka je Techtronic Industries Co dividenda?

Techtronic Industries Co izplača dividendo v višini 0 USD, razdeljeno na izplačil letno.

Kako pogosto Techtronic Industries Co izplača dividendo?

Dividende za Techtronic Industries Co trenutno ni mogoče izračunati ali pa podjetje ne izplačuje dividend.

Kaj je Techtronic Industries Co ISIN?

ISIN od Techtronic Industries Co je HK0669013440.

Kaj je Techtronic Industries Co WKN?

WKN od Techtronic Industries Co je A0B5GC.

Kaj je Techtronic Industries Co oznaka indeksa?

Oznaka delnice Techtronic Industries Co je 669.HK.

Koliko dividende izplača Techtronic Industries Co?

V zadnjih 12 mesecih je Techtronic Industries Co izplačal dividendo v višini . To ustreza približni donosnosti dividend . V prihajajočih 12 mesecih bo Techtronic Industries Co predvidoma izplačal dividendo v višini 1,03 USD.

Kakšen je donos dividend od Techtronic Industries Co?

Trenutni donos od dividend za Techtronic Industries Co znaša .

Kdaj Techtronic Industries Co izplača dividend?

Techtronic Industries Co izplačuje četrtletno dividendo. Ta se izplačuje v mesecih september, junij, oktober, oktober.

Kako varna je dividenda od Techtronic Industries Co?

Techtronic Industries Co je v zadnjih 23 letih vsako leto izplačeval dividend.

Kakšna je dividenda od Techtronic Industries Co?

V naslednjih 12 mesecih se pričakuje dividende v višini 1,03 USD. To ustreza dividendnemu donosu 7,79 %.

V katerem sektorju se nahaja Techtronic Industries Co?

Techtronic Industries Co je razvrščen v sektor 'Industrija'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Techtronic Industries Co kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da si prejel zadnjo dividendo Techtronic Industries Co z dne 19. 9. 2024 v višini 0,14 USD, si moral imeti delnico v depoju pred dnevom brez pravice do dividende (Ex-Tag) 5. 9. 2024.

Kdaj je Techtronic Industries Co izplačal zadnjo dividendo?

Zadnje izplačilo dividende je bilo 19. 9. 2024.

Kakšna je bila dividenda od Techtronic Industries Co v letu 2023?

V letu 2023 je Techtronic Industries Co 1,95 USD izplačal kot dividende.

V kateri valuti Techtronic Industries Co izplača dividendo?

Dividende od Techtronic Industries Co se izplačujejo v USD.

Druge ključne številke in analize od Techtronic Industries Co v poglobljenem pregledu

Naša analiza delnic Techtronic Industries Co Prihodki vključuje pomembne finančne kazalnike, kot so prihodki, dobiček, razmerje cena/dobiček (KGV), razmerje cena/prihodki (KUV), EBIT ter informacije o dividendah. Prav tako preučujemo aspekte, kot so delnice, tržna kapitalizacija, dolgovi, lastniški kapital in obveznosti Techtronic Industries Co Prihodki. Če iščete podrobnejše informacije o teh temah, na naših podstraneh nudimo obsežne analize: